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Lina Bosbach

Senior Manager Group Communications
Lina Bosbach is Senior Manager Group Communications at NORMA Group.

Kim Bösken

Junior Group Communications Manager
Kim Bösken is Junior Group Communications Manager at NORMA Group.

Jennifer Oborny

Group Communications Manager
Jennifer Oborny is Group Communications Manager at NORMA Group.

Ivana Blazanovic

Senior Manager Investor Relations
Ivana Blazanovic is Senior Manager Investor Relations.

Dr. Georg Kolat

VP Global Business Development WATER & Region EMEA
Dr. Georg Kolat is VP of Global Business Development WATER & Region EMEA WATER.

Miriam Reith

Manager Corporate Responsibility
Miriam Reith is Manager Corporate Responsibility

Kim Schmiedel

Senior Manager Corporate Responsibility
Kim Schmiedel is Senior Manager Corporate Responsibility.

Chiara von Eisenhart Rothe

Senior Manager Investor Relations
Chiara von Eisenhart Rothe was Senior Manager Investor Relations.

Thomas Reitz

CIO and Executive Vice President ICT
As CIO, Thomas Reitz is responsible for the Information and Communication Technology (ict) as well as the Business Process Management (bpm) at NORMA Group.

Michael Eisner

Vice President Business Development EJT EMEA
Michael Eisner is responsible for the area of Engineered Joining Technology (EJT) in the EMEA region.

Stephan Mann

Director Research & Development
Stephan Mann deals with future trends and developments.

Daniel Koch

Senior Innovation & Strategy Manager
Dr. Daniel Koch is Senior Innovation & Strategy Manager at NORMA Group

Dr. Daniel Kintea

Simulation Expert EMEA
Dr. Daniel Kintea is a simulation expert with the product development team at NORMA Group.

Jean-Luc Kirmann

Director Global Product Management e-mobility
Jean-Luc Kirmann drives the development of electromobility products at NORMA Group.

Dennis Unger

Senior Expert Fluid, Research and Development
Dennis Unger is responsible for process development in the area of plastics.

Marie Wöller

Former Manager Group Communications
Marie Wöller was Manager Group Communications at NORMA Group.

Sonia Palomeque

Marketing Manager DS EMEA
Sonia Palomeque is Marketing Manager DS EMEA.

Rita Orneus

Former Marketing Service Coordinator
Rita Orneus was Marketing Service Coordinator at NORMA Group.

Elias Schwenk

Former Manager Corporate Reponsibility
Elias Schwenk was Manager Corporate Reponsibility.

Andrea San Martin

former Working Student
Andrea San Martin was a working student in Group Communications department.

Leonie Schneider

Project Manager FaSTDa Racing, Season 2020
Leonie Schneider is the project manager of the F20 at FaSTDa Racing, the student racing car project of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Flora Hoo

Marketing Manager
Flora Hoo works as a Marketing Manager at NORMA Group in China.

Johannes Weiffenbach

Former Junior Manager Investor Relations
Johannes Weiffenbach was Junior Manager Investor Relations.

Andreas Schweigert

Product Design Engineer
Andreas Schweigert works with metallic clamps and couplings.

Vanessa Wiese

Former Senior Manager Investor Relations
Vanessa Wiese was responsible for the publication of the annual and quarterly reports.

Manfred Krüger

Product Engineer EMEA EJT
Manfred Krüger works with clamps, couplings and connectors.