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15 Voices – 15 Countries: Xavier Carmona, Spain

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NORMA Group is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. The blog series 15 Voices – 15 Countries gives 15 colleagues from 15 countries an opportunity to report on their experiences at NORMA Group and tell us how NORMA Group has developed at their location.

Xavier Carmona is an Operation, Quality & Continuous Improvement Manager at NORMA Group’s site in Barcelona.

How long have you been working at NORMA Group?

I have been working here since June 2000 – 21 years already. I am really happy at NORMA Group. Over the course of the past 20 years, the variety of my tasks has always expanded or changed. I have always had the opportunity to deal with new challenges and to grow with them. I am currently also the Compliance Manager of our site here in Barcelona, to name just one example. The company’s global outlook is also something that I find very attractive.

How has NORMA Group changed or developed since you started working here?

I started working for the small family business J-V shares 21 years ago. That company became part of NORMA Group in 2011. That basically meant that from one day to the next I was no longer working in a small local company, but for a major international group. I think that’s great. It has allowed me to expand my network and begin an intercultural exchange of information and ideas with colleagues around the globe. I also had the opportunity to complete a bubble assignment in Italy. I was able to grow personally from that. You could definitely say that I’ve grown with the company.

Generally speaking, I often have the feeling that NORMA Group changes a lot every three to four years. I’m thinking back to the IPO, for example, or some of the changes on the Management Board. NORMA Group is not a company that stands still; it is always evolving, and so am I. The most important lesson I have learned is to step out of my comfort zone.

What events at NORMA Group have been the most memorable for you?

I in particular remember the crises that we successfully mastered at NORMA Group here in Spain. The financial crisis of 2008 and, of course, the current Corona crisis for example. These are all crises that have forced us to grow as a team locally and globally. If you can get through crises like that together, you can get through anything.

What would you like to see in the future of NORMA Group?

I would like us to optimize our quality even further, to focus even more on our customers and to meet their expectations without any problems. It is entirely in our hands. If we work together to achieve these goals, we can continue to grow in the future.

Pictures of the Spanish location from 1998

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