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“Success is derived from passion and discipline”

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In our NORMAPeople series, employees around the world talk about their day-to-day work, how they came to the company and what they appreciate most about their jobs.

Kailas Mandlapure is Head of Sales & Engineering – MNE BD India at our location in Pune, India. In this interview, he tells us about his career path at NORMA Group, his passion for marathons and how he manages to combine professional success with a balanced private life.

Kailas, when did you start working at NORMA Group?

I started at NORMA Group in January 2011 as an Assistant Manager in the Design Engineering department. My responsibilities included supporting our Indian customers with their application requirements and delivering NORMA Group solutions. At that time, the company was expanding into various countries and continents, something that brought new challenges as well as a wide range of opportunities.

During this dynamic phase, I recognized the need for additional support and at the same time saw the potential of the resources that were already in place in India.

“Thanks to the technical expertise of the Indian engineers, I was able to use my experience in global cooperation to make the idea of a “Global Engineering Center” in Pune a reality.”

I successfully set up the center which, at its peak, had more than 15 engineers working there, providing critical support to NORMA Group sites worldwide.

Working with the global teams was a really enriching experience for me. In 2013, I received an award for my contributions to the “Global Design Committee”. I left the company at the beginning of 2017, though as I wanted to pursue my personal ambitions in the commercial sector.

What made you decide to come back to NORMA Group?

It was ultimately my passion for highly-developed joining technology that brought me back. Although I left in 2017, I never actually left NORMA Group behind. I left with a very positive feeling because I had managed to establish a strong engineering team and key relationships with major Indian automotive manufacturers.

When a commercial leadership position opened up in 2019, the decision for me was clear: I wanted to move back to NORMA Group. I believe in the company’s philosophy and wanted to use both my technical and commercial skills to further advance the company’s vision in India.

What does your current job involve?

I am responsible for overseeing both the sales and profit at the Pune plant and I manage the Sales department, the Engineering department and the India Management Team (IMT) with the goal of achieving both our short and long-term targets. I am confident that our location will continue to expand and grow successfully in the years to come.

Can you describe a typical day for you?

My morning routine generally starts quite early at 4:30 am with spiritual practice to begin the day. I leave for the gym at 5:30 am, and I have a passion for running marathons. My family also follows this morning routine, which helps us to stay mentally and physically fit and to spend time together.

My day is pretty much filled with meetings as well as calls and customer visits from about 9 am. I usually finish work around 7 pm and go to bed at around 10:30 pm to get a fresh start the next morning.

How long have you been running marathons?

I run three times a week, with my long run usually taking place on Sundays. I keep up this routine even when I’m on business trips and always make sure to pack my running gear.

It’s something that I’ve been doing for the last 10 years. Before that, I played a number of different sports and, during my school days, I received district-level awards in sports like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Mallakhamb.

How do you balance work, sports and family time?

Making sure that running is a part of my daily routine has been key to achieving a healthy work-life balance.

“It gives me personal time to focus on myself, which is crucial for long-term productivity and satisfaction.”

Being able to effectively delegate tasks and empower my team are essential skills that I use to efficiently manage my workload. My passion for the job helps me to complete my tasks in a targeted manner.

When it comes to spending time with my family, I like to integrate them into various activities. For example, I often go jogging or cycling with my older son. In the evenings, we like to sing karaoke or perform sketches together. I also practice yoga once a week with my wife, who is a child psychologist and yoga teacher. The fact that we do these activities together is what gives me a special sense of fulfilment.

So running also helps you in your day-to-day work, for example as it relates to reducing stress?

Definitely! Going for regular runs helps me to think more clearly and it improves both my focus and my energy level – things that are essential to staying productive throughout the day. Running also gives me time to reflect on challenges, set goals and develop new ideas. I often find that my best solutions and creative thoughts come to me during a run.

When I train for competitions or try to improve my running times, I have to set goals and maintain a disciplined routine. This attitude translates well into my professional life, where it is crucial to set clear goals and maintain discipline to achieve them.

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One particularly encouraging aspect is that I often post messages on social media after my morning runs, motivating others to be active as well. These exchanges often lead to interesting conversations and new connections, including in a business context.

And what motivates you in your professional life?

The thing that keeps me going forward is the opportunity to advance the company’s vision and lead our team to achieve our strategic goals.

“It gives me a tremendous amount of satisfaction to see the members of our team grow and develop.”

When someone takes on a new challenge, grows in their role and achieves their personal and professional goals, I view that as a great success.

The impact that our company can have in the industry and in society is another important source of motivation for me. Regardless of whether it’s through innovative solutions, outstanding customer service or our social responsibility initiatives – knowing that our work makes a positive difference is what drives me every day.

I follow similar principles in my private life, too. For example, I lead a morning training group where we do sports together, such as running, strength training or yoga, and motivate each other. The progress made by my colleagues and friends fills me with pride and encourages me to keep going forward.

What are your goals for the future?

My main goal is to contribute to the sustainable growth and success of NORMA Group. Part of this involves setting ambitious strategic goals and consistently working to ensure that they are achieved. I am convinced that we are on the right track.

Another important goal is to invest in team development. I want to offer my employees opportunities for professional growth and ensure that they are fully prepared for the tasks that they face on a daily basis. This approach also includes fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.

In addition, it is important to me that our company also makes a positive contribution to society. I firmly believe that companies should take responsibility and give back to the community, and I am happy to work for a company that shares this view.

These goals give me clear direction and motivate me. And, of course, I also want to pursue my personal running goals and improve my personal best times.

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